Enter your text and
I start to count.

The counters are under this input field

characters without space
Hashtag (#)
Period (.)
Question mark (?)
Exclamation mark (!)
Comma (,)
Colon (:)
Semi-colon (;)
Apostrophe ('’)
Dash (–)
Quote („ “)
Bracket round ()
Bracket square []
Bracket curly []
Less than (<)
Grater than (>)
Slash (/)
Backslash (\)
asterisk (*)
Ampersand (&)
Special Characters
Plus (+)
Equal (=)

Count everything there is to count in a text.  

With text-counter.com you can count everything in your text. Whether words, characters or special characters like comma, period or ampersand. Text Counter is your online tool to quickly, easily and most importantly in real time analyze your text and output all the numbers that might be relevant to you.

Count characters

Count the number of letters in a given string of text, without counting any spaces.

Count characters without space

Count the number of letters in a given input string, without counting any spaces.

Count Words

Count the number of words in a given input string.

Count links

Count the number of links in a given input string, include is: https:// or http:// or www.

Count question mark

Count to count the number of question marks (?) in a given input string.

Count Exclamation mark

Counts the number of exclamation marks (!) in the input string.

Count comma

Counts the number of commas (,) in the input string.

Count paragraph

Counts the number of newlines (\n) in the input string.

Count sentence

Counts the number of sentences in the input string using a regular expression that looks for non-sentence-ending characters followed by one or more sentence-ending characters (., !, or ?).

Count period

Counts the number of periods (.) in the input string.

Count Colon

Counts the number of colons (:) in the input string.

Count semi-colon

Counts the number of semicolons (;) in the input string.

Count apostrophe

Counts the number of apostrophes (') and right single quotation marks (’) in the input string.

Count dashes

Counts the number of dashes (-) in the input string.

Count slashes

Counts the number of forward slashes (/) in the input string.

Count backslash

Counts the number of backslashes () in the input string.

Count quote

Counts the number of quotes („ “ » «'‘ › ‹ ‹ ›") in the input string.

Count bracket round

Counts the number of round brackets () in the input string.

Count bracket square

Counts the number of square brackets [ ] in the input string.

Count bracket curly

Counts the number of curly brackets ({ }) in the input string.

Count less than

Counts the number of less-than signs (<) in the input string.

Count greater than

Counts the number of greater-than signs (>) in the input string.

Count asterisk

Counts the number of asterisks (*) in the input string.

Count hashtag

Counts the number of hashtags (#) in the input string.

Count ampersand

Counts the number of ampersands (&) in the input string.

Count numbers

Counts the number of digits (0-9) in the input string.

Count special characters

Counts the number of special characters in the input string.

Count plus

Counts the number of plus (+) in the input string.

Count equal

Counts the number of equal (=) in the input string.

Count currency

Counts the number of currency in the input string using a regular expression that looks for $€¥£₹₩

You are missing a counter?

Share it with me and I will implement it as soon as possible, I promise.

Count Analyze texts effectively: Count characters, punctuation, hashtags and many more things in a text with our tool  

Text analysis is a crucial aspect of understanding and interpreting written language. Whether it's for research, marketing, or just personal use, being able to effectively analyze text is essential. Our tool is designed to make text analysis easy and accessible for anyone.

One of the most basic elements of text analysis is counting characters. This includes not just letters and numbers, but also spaces, period, and special characters. Knowing the character count of a text can give you an idea of its length and overall structure. With our tool, you can quickly and easily count the characters in any text, including hashtags and mentions.

Another important aspect of text analysis is the period. Period can change the meaning of a sentence and convey different emotions. With our tool, you can count the number of punctuation marks in a text, such as exclamation points, question marks, and periods. This can help you understand how the text is being used and what kind of tone it has.

Hashtags are a popular feature on social media and are often used to organize and categorize content. With our tool, you can count the number of hashtags in a text and even see which specific hashtags are being used. This can give you insight into the topic and audience of the text.

Overall, text-counter.com is a powerful tool for understanding written language. With our tool, you can easily count characters, period, hashtags, and more. By analyzing text in this way, you can gain valuable insights into the meaning and structure of the text, as well as its audience and purpose.

In conclusion, Text analysis is an important tool for understanding and interpreting written language. Our tool makes text analysis easy and accessible for anyone, allowing you to count everything what you can count in a text. With this information, you can gain valuable insights into the meaning and structure of the text, as well as its audience and purpose. Whether you're a researcher, marketer, or just someone who wants to understand a text better, our tool is an invaluable resource.